Club Lettering

Preface: The criteria for earning the Union Grove Shooting Club varsity letter have been established by the members of the Union Grove Shooting Club coaching staff. A philosophy underlies the criteria. The coaching staff believes that, for students at our school, earning a varsity letter should require evidence of commitment to team and expertise in sport. Measuring expertise is not a science. The criteria are set according to standards the coaching staff believes are reasonable. The policies are intended to encourage students to persevere toward the goal of earning the varsity letter rather than to discourage anyone who fails to attain the standards. All coaches are invited to participate in the process of adopting and amending the criteria. Suggestions for change must be recommended by a coach and are adopted only upon approval of a majority of the full coaching staff.

Athletes who remain as members of the team in good standing throughout the full season and meet the following requirements will be eligible to receive a varsity letter, subject to the provisions below.


  • You must be a minimum of a second year shooter and be on the varsity squad.
  • You must participate in the SE Conference tournament, and two additional tournaments.
  • You must participate in the full conference shooting season. Shooting, at minimum, a scoring round for each conference shoot. You must notify us in advance of a planned absence.
  • You must notify the coach in charge, or his designee, of your completed requirements for lettering.
  • Once all the above requirements are met other things that may be considered are participation and assistance offered by the athlete throughout the season.
  • (Exceptions to the above guidelines will be left to the discretion of the coaches)


  • Must be Senior division ranked shooter.
  • Participate in 80% of scheduled practices. Practice timeline is from first practice through last practice offered in the given year. April is our official practice start point running through end of August.
  • Participate in a minimum of 2 club tournaments.
  • Exhibiting honorable and responsible behavior.
  • Once all the above requirements are met other things that may be considered are participation, performance and assistance offered by the athlete throughout the season.
  • In cases of extenuating circumstances, exceptions to the standards listed above are permitted if the staff feels an athlete was in integral part of the team, they may receive a letter with the approval of the Head coach.